Since the start of 2018, we have been observing a downward trend for COE premiums. Premiums for Category A and C dip 2.63% and 2.86% to $37,000 and $34,001 respectively. As for Category B and E, there’s a slight 1.6% and 0.1% increase in premium. Premiums for Category B ended at $37,605 while Category E ended at $38,039.
PQP Trend from Jan 2018
The decreasing trend for COE premium since the start of this year has caused PQP to be on a downward trend as well. As PQP is the moving average of COE premiums in the last 3 months, the dip in this round COE premiums would mean that PQP for the next few months would somewhat be stable or biased towards down trend. As such, we recommend that you do not need to rush to renew your COE early. You may want to renew your COE on the month when your COE expire. Alternatively, you may engage our monitoring service by submitting the enquiry form or call us at 6444 4400. Our dedicated consultant will help you monitor and alert you when your COE is near expiring to advice the best time for COE renewal.